
  • Murena Retail SAS
  • Nº Siret: 883 789 398 00012
  • VAT Number: FR82883789398
  • Code APE: 5829C


  • 31 Avenue de Ségur – 75007 Paris, France

⚠ Please do not return products at this address. Instead, contact our helpdesk at to receive the right one for product returns.


In accordance with the provisions of French Law (Article 34 of Law No. 48-87 of January 6th 1978), the user has the right to access, rectify, or suppress personal data. You also have a right to define instructions that allow access to your data in case of death (the official application rules for this right are currently pending).

Requests regarding these rights and delisting right can be exercised: Sending an e-mail using the following address

A postal mail to the address of the head office of Murena Retail SAS indicating its name or company name, physical and/or electronic contact details. The modification will take place within a reasonable time from the receipt of the user’s request, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Law No. 2004 – 575 of June 21st 2004 on “Confiance dans l’Économie Numérique”, in particular the Article 6 thereof.

Limitation of liability

This website contains information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by Murena Retail SAS. The content made available on the site is provided for information purposes only. The existence of a link from this site to another site does not constitute an endorsement of that site or its content. It is the viewer’s responsibility to use this information with critical thinking. Murena Retail SAS cannot be held liable for information, opinions and recommendations provided by third parties.

Murena Retail SAS shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or cumulative loss or damage whatsoever however caused unless the company has been proven negligent in their actions and work executed. We shall not be made responsible for future problems or issues as the effect of the use or inability to use this website, pages, any errors, misrepresentations, or omissions in the material contained within.

Murena Retail SAS cannot also be held liable for indirect damages (such as loss of market or opportunity) resulting from the use of the site.


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