What is an operating system ?

A smartphone’s operating system (OS) is the essential software that manages the phone’s hardware and software. It enables the various applications to function efficiently and securely. As an intermediary between the user and the phone hardware, the OS facilitates user interaction, manages system resources such as memory and processor, and provides network connectivity. Popular examples of smartphone OSes include Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. These systems also offer a graphical user interface (GUI) for easy and intuitive navigation, and support the installation of third-party applications to extend the phone’s functionality.

What different types of operating system can I have on my phone ?

The vast majority of smartphones are sold with a pre-installed operating system, such as Android, developed by Google. Android is the most widely used OS in the world. It is famous for its flexibility, wide range of applications and customisation. Android is compatible with a variety of smartphone manufacturers.

The same is true of iOS, developed by Apple and exclusive to iPhones. It is known for its security, its fluid user interface and its excellent ecosystem of applications. iOS is optimised to work very effectively with Apple hardware.

An alternative to these systems are “Custom ROMs”, generally and mainly based on Android. There are numerous projects and customised OS versions for Android users. These ROMs offer additional functionality, greater customisation and sometimes better performance.

Custom ROMs are alternative versions of the operating system (OS) of a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. They are created by independent developers seeking to offer users different solutions to those provided by standard ROMs, such as those from Google (Android) or Windows for mobiles.

Let’s take the example of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone. It comes with a version of the Android OS developed by Samsung. If a user wants to explore different options, they can opt for a custom ROM. These ROMs modify the source code provided by Google to create a unique user experience. They can include additional features, customisable settings, or an improved user interface.

To install a custom ROM, users often have to ‘root’ their device, which gives them access to deeper levels of the operating system. Once this has been done, specific buttons can be pressed to access recovery mode and install the new ROM.

Versions such as LineageOS or /e/OS, which are based on respect for users’ privacy and security, offer more regular updates than manufacturers, particularly for older models such as the Samsung Galaxy. Some ROMs are even available in beta versions, allowing users to test out the latest tech innovations.

Custom ROMs can also improve application performance, offer better battery management and deliver an experience closer to that of Android, without the manufacturers’ software overlays.

It is important to note that modifying the ROM of your device can involve risks. It can invalidate the warranty, and if the process is not followed correctly, it can render the device unusable. It’s therefore advisable to find out everything you can, check that the OS works with your devices, and follow the instructions available on websites specialising in mobile tech before taking the plunge.

How can I change my smartphone’s operating system ?

Changing your smartphone’s operating system is a fairly technical process and can involve risks. Implementing such a change must be done with care. It’s important to research the procedure for installing an OS beforehand. Some projects may allow you to use an application to make it easier to install their systems on your devices. Find out more and take good note of the instructions from the creators of custom OSes.

We’ll provide an overview of the general steps here, but bear in mind that the process may vary depending on your device and the operating system you want to install.

1. Back up your data : Before you start, make sure you back up all the important data on your phone. The process can erase all your data.

2. Find out about compatibility : Check that the operating system you want to install is compatible with your handset. Some operating systems only work on certain models of phone.

3. Unlock the bootloader : The bootloader is a program that runs when your device starts up and loads the OS. To install a new OS, you will probably have to unlock the bootloader, which may invalidate your phone’s warranty.

4. Install a custom recovery : A custom recovery, such as TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), allows you to install custom ROMs, make full system backups, etc.

5. Download the custom firmware/ROM : Download the version of the operating system you want to install. Make sure you download it from a reliable source.

6. Put your device in recovery mode : Restart your device in recovery mode using the key combination specific to your phone.

7. Install the new operating system : Use the custom recovery installation option to flash the downloaded ROM or firmware.

8. Restart your device : Once the installation is complete, restart your device. The first start-up may take longer than usual.

It is crucial to follow the detailed instructions specific to your device and the operating system you are installing. You should also be aware that changing the operating system may lead to stability problems, incompatibility with certain applications or functionalities, and may invalidate your device’s warranty. Make sure you are fully informed and take all the necessary precautions before changing your mobile’s OS.

If you’d like to install /e/OS on your mobile, check the compatibility of your device with our Easy Installer here, otherwise you can also download our free operating system here. If you prefer to have a smartphone with /e/OS pre-installed, visit Murena.com.


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