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Murena FAQ

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Sie können die Lösung nicht selbst oder mit unserer Community finden? Kontaktieren Sie den Murena Helpdesk hier unten ⬇

Helpdesk Kontakt

    Please send screenshots, pictures or a video record, which can help us better identify the exact issue. You can attach screnshot in the attachement section of this form below.

    For technical help and support around installing /e/OS yourself, please consult the /e/OS FAQ and Tutorials or ask your question in the Community Forum or the Telegram /e/OS user group to get help from other members in our community. Did you buy a subscription or a phone from Murena? Please choose a different option above to get in touch with the Murena Helpdesk.

    Thank you for using /e/OS and Murena services.

    For issues with products purchased with other stores, please contact the Helpdesk of that store. For example, for phones with /e/OS purchased on, please contact the Fairphone Helpdesk at


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